List of local VHF nets: (all times are AZ local time)

  • Sunday 8:30 AM (local) 144.250 MHz USB Tucson SWOT
  • Sunday 9 AM (local) 432.100 MHz USB Tucson/ Phoenix
  • Monday 7 PM (local) 144.250 MHz USB It is a very informal net/round table for the Yavapai Amateur Radio Club.   The net contact for this group is Tom Griswold, WN7E
  • Tuesday 6:30 PM (local) 144.250 MHz USB Weekly Swap Net buying and selling ham related goods.
  • Tuesday 6:30/ 7 PM (local) 1st Tuesday of each month (NOT weekly) 144.250 MHz USB SWOT round table WD7R / K7EME list keeper.
  • Wednesday 7 PM (local) 1296.100 MHz USB round table  Tucson / Phoenix. (2304.1 MHz “mover up” net after 1296 net)
  • Wednesday 7 PM (local) 50.140 Net Control is W7ART (Art) and W7WHB (Steve).
  • Friday 7:00 PM (local) 222.100 MHz USB AZVHF 222 MHz multi state weak signal net NV/AZ/NM.  Doug-K7EME and Robert-N7VD net control. Informal round table / propagation checks. Look North and NW at the start of the net.
  • Friday 7:45ish PM (local) DIRECTLY AFTER the 222 net.  902.100 MHz USB AZVHF 902 MHz  weak signal net NV/AZ/NM.  Doug-K7EME and Robert-N7VD net control. Informal round table / propagation checks.


List of local beacons:

  • 1296.270 MHz & 10,368.375 MHz  DM33RN
  • 144.289 MHz  KA6LSL/7  DM22tp  Yuma AZ  20W to 6 el.
  • 144.290 MHz K7PO   DM32 15w to vertical
  • Currently down for maintenance (Feb 6, 2025)
    • 50.070   N7GP DM42DW  8w to loop at 40 Feet 
    • 144.054 N7GP DM42DW 4w to a loop at 40 Feet
    • 222.067 N7GP DM42DW 8w to  3 elements at 40 Feet
    • 432.051 N7GP DM42DW 2w to a loop at 40 feet