Current MARCH 2025 AZ SWOT “Swap Net” Listings: All listing persons are “Good in QRZ” for email info unless otherwise stated.
WD7R, Mike, Has (2) 2m Preamps For Sale. #1 – Tokyo Hy-Power HRA-2, Handles 150w (VOX Sensing). $75. #2- “MicroSet” (from Italy) 2m Preamp, handles 500w (VOX Sensing) $150 OBO.
NJ6D, Chuck, Wants a 4-port coaxial relay with “N” connectors for UHF use.
KD5NLP, Mike, Wants 2m and/or 432 YAGI antennas (dual band or single band).
K7SWK, Dave, Has a WANT for a medium power (300-500w) 2m linear amplifier. Also looking for 50ft run of low-loss coax tel:+1(602)620-6862
K7LOL,. Dave has a WANT for a light/medium-duty antenna Rotator. Dave can be reached at: K7LOL@KLORG.COM